the features are designed to provide value and comfort to the visitor's purpose

rather then being only pretty or showy, the ideal features are those that offer functional value to the website's purpose.

what is a feature - referring to website !

features are included or created to emphasis the goal of a website and its practical purpose by their functionality or display components

a best-fit URL name, a perfect match of logo, contact and other forms are all important characteristics of a website. it should also include a social media sharing tool, a quick link to an email client, a product video or video with a personal statement, a blog or news section on its segment, and other features that ensure that the visitor to the site explores and achieves the desired outcome with ease, comfort, and pleasure.

some of the features

contact form

a page with a sequence of questions asking for information such the visitor's name and contact information, as well as a place for t?hem to leave a message for the website.

Contact forms, registration forms, log-in forms, news letter forms, and so on are all types of forms, but location, purpose, and a decent and engaging user experience are all important factors in making a form beneficial for a website.

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